Saturday, October 8, 2011

Andrew Kolar Story: Audio-Visual Script

[UNSW, 2010]
A man in Harrington Park was treated for a panic attack last Saturday, after reporting shortness of breath and chest pains.

The man, 29, was enjoying a quiet barbie with friends when sharp pains suddenly overtook him.

Mariah Gillespie reports      Roll video
Sydney [00:00]                     
runs … 1.35

outcue … tag
Andrew Kolar
Suffered Panic Attack [00:29]

Jason Botany
Andrew’s Friend [00:51]

At 1.15 (Andrew speaking-no super)

Andrew Kolar relaxing         Andrew Kolar says he’s never been more frightened in his
with friends                           life, as he thinks back on the afternoon he never thought would come so soon.
Andrew Kolar at work          At a youthful 29, Andrew works as a construction project
on construction site              manager in Canberra. Despite his young age, he thought he was having a heart attack when the pains started. 
Andew Kolar speaking         It happened out of nowhere. One minute I was sitting there, enjoying a beer with my mates, and suddenly I felt sharp pains in my chest and couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to think that it was a heart attack, but I didn’t know what else it could be.
Backyard of barbie               Andrew was visiting friends in Sydney for a long weekend, and a barbeque was arranged for his homecoming.
Picture of Andrew and         Jason Botany, who’s known Andrew for over twenty
Jason in high school              years, was the one to call for help
Jason Botany speaking         We were all terrified. Andrew is an active, healthy guy, and we had no idea what could be going on. He was keeled over next to his lawn chair, clutching his heart.
Ambulance with sirens         Andrew was given oxygen in the ambulance, and never went to hospital.
Piece to camera in                 Though he had eaten two hot dogs and had several beers
backyard                                that afternoon, paramedics say the panic attack was probably stress induced. He was advised to take some time off work, and to refrain from doing anything that might spark another attack.
Andrew Kolar speaking        I think I’ll take a small holiday, and try to relax for a few days. My job is very stressful, and I haven’t had time off in over six months.
Andrew playing catch           Andrew had never experienced chest pains before, and
with mates in backyard        had no history of heart disease in his family. Today, he remains healthy and well. Mariah Gillespie, ABC news.

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